All posts filed under ‘Lectures and panels

Superscript 2015

On May 30, 2015, I participated in Superscript 2015, a conference at Walker Art Center devoted to arts journalism and criticism in the digital age. I gave a talk and participated in a discussion as part of a session called Connectivity and Community, which included Claudia La Rocco, Ayesha Siddiqi, and Brian Kuan Wood. The prompt asked: “How does […]

Next Top Models: New Forms for Artists’ Collectives

On May 4, 2015, I moderated and organized a discussion as part of Frieze Talks 2015, Next Top Models: New Forms for Artists’ Collectives. The discussion, which included Abdullah Al-Mutairi (GCC), Jamal Cyrus (Otabenga Jones & Associates), and Dena Yago (K-HOLE), related to an essay I published in Frieze in 2013, “All for One.” It explored how artists’ […]

Seminario Fundación Cisneros 2013: Promises of the Commons

In November 2013, I participated in Fundación Cisneros’s annual seminar in Caracas, Venezuela. The theme of the 2013 edition was Promises of the Commons: Authorship, Copyright, and Access in Contemporary Art. My presentation addressed “the right to copy”—how “the act of copying can help us rethink the idea of ​​subject, object, the alike and the different,” […]

How Far Is Near

On February 6–8,  2015, Triple Canopy presented How Far Is Near, a series of conversations at Material Art Fair in Mexico City. The series considered the ways in which political representation might be achieved—or recognized as a chimera, or disavowed—through the work of representing politics, and focuses on the various responses by Mexican artists and writers to […]

Universal Time (Tiempo Universal)

Between October 2014 and March 2015, Triple Canopy collaborated with several Mexico City-based artists, writers, designers, and researchers to organize Universal Time (Tiempo Universal), a seminar on publication as a means of producing and distributing knowledge, as a site for the translation of texts and contexts. Universal Time (Tiempo Universal) was organized in collaboration with José León Cerrillo, […]