A response to the question: why (more) Katy Perry? A lecture, illustrated with chart-toppers, on the use of consumer-behavior data and neurobiology research in the production of pop songs that are guaranteed to be pleasing to as many listeners as possible.
All posts filed under ‘Lectures and panels’
“Copy of an Original of a Copy”
A conversation devoted to the challenges posed to legal conceptions of images, objects, and data by emerging technologies.
Superscript 2015
On May 30, 2015, I participated in Superscript 2015, a conference at Walker Art Center devoted to arts journalism and criticism in the digital age. I gave a talk and participated in a discussion as part of a session called Connectivity and Community, which included Claudia La Rocco, Ayesha Siddiqi, and Brian Kuan Wood. The prompt asked: “How does […]
Next Top Models: New Forms for Artists’ Collectives
On May 4, 2015, I moderated and organized a discussion as part of Frieze Talks 2015, Next Top Models: New Forms for Artists’ Collectives. The discussion, which included Abdullah Al-Mutairi (GCC), Jamal Cyrus (Otabenga Jones & Associates), and Dena Yago (K-HOLE), related to an essay I published in Frieze in 2013, “All for One.” It explored how artists’ […]
Seminario Fundación Cisneros 2013: Promises of the Commons
In November 2013, I participated in Fundación Cisneros’s annual seminar in Caracas, Venezuela. The theme of the 2013 edition was Promises of the Commons: Authorship, Copyright, and Access in Contemporary Art. My presentation addressed “the right to copy”—how “the act of copying can help us rethink the idea of subject, object, the alike and the different,” […]
How Far Is Near
On February 6–8, 2015, Triple Canopy presented How Far Is Near, a series of conversations at Material Art Fair in Mexico City. The series considered the ways in which political representation might be achieved—or recognized as a chimera, or disavowed—through the work of representing politics, and focuses on the various responses by Mexican artists and writers to […]
Universal Time (Tiempo Universal)
Between October 2014 and March 2015, Triple Canopy collaborated with several Mexico City-based artists, writers, designers, and researchers to organize Universal Time (Tiempo Universal), a seminar on publication as a means of producing and distributing knowledge, as a site for the translation of texts and contexts. Universal Time (Tiempo Universal) was organized in collaboration with José León Cerrillo, […]